5月 イタリアローマ
ORF (Oral Reconstruction Foundation) conference in Rome Italy
Lecture title “ Micro Surgery hard and soft tissue management “
7月 中国北京
gIDE/China in Beijing 1 and 1 1/2 Full day lecture.
9月 アメリカサンタモニカ
gIDE annual Symposium 2023 in LA
Lecture title “Sinus Augmentation with Crestal Osteotome VS Open
Window Biomaterial VS Autografts: Implant design and loading.”10月 インドムンバイ
Indian Society of Oral Implantologists ISOI 2023 in Mumbai India
Lecture title “Complex Implant therapy using H and V GBR
Principles” and One day lecture and workshop using pig jaw in Mumbai
prior to ISOI meeting. Course topics “Predictible management of
complex implant cases in Deficient Hard and Soft Tissue Conditions”12月 中国北京
gIDE/China in Beijing
Session I (2024) 2 Full days lecture and workshop.
09:45-13:00 / 14:15-18:30(最終受付18:00)
※土曜17時まで 休診:水日祝
〒168-0065 東京都杉並区浜田山3-33-10 セントルークス浜田山1F
京王井の頭線 浜田山駅 徒歩1分